ETPA Membership Registration

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Membership Information

Membership Requirements


Organisations who wish to join ETPA have to send their official documents (constitution and bylaws with information on activity and motivations) to ETPA’s President. Their application will be submitted to a vote by the next Annual Meeting of the Executive Council.

Active members

Individuals who wish to join ETPA as Active members either have to send their curriculum and motivations to ETPA’s President. They can be accepted by the Board during the year. If they are not known by the National Association or by two Active members, they can attend the Annual Meeting as Associate members and be interviewed by two Active members. Organisations and Active members are committed to attend ETPA’s Annual Meetings and to share their aims.

Associate members

Individuals who wish to join ETPA as Associate members can apply to any ETPA Organisation, and refer directly to it.

Download the registration form, fill it in and send it to You will receive an email with the informations regarding the payment. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Become A Member

  • Benefits:
  • Members are entitled to a 10% discount for conferences, unlimited access to the articles, videos, resources found on ETPA’s website

Organisation Members

  • Benefits:
  • Members are entitled to a 10% discount for conferences, unlimited access to the articles, videos, resources found on ETPA’s website

Normal Student Membership

  • Benefits:
  • Members are entitled to a 10% discount for conferences, unlimited access to the articles, videos, resources found on ETPA’s website

East Europe Membership

  • Benefits:
  • Members are entitled to a 10% discount for conferences, unlimited access to the articles, videos, resources found on ETPA’s website

East Europe Student Membership

  • Benefits:
  • Members are entitled to a 10% discount for conferences, unlimited access to the articles, videos, resources found on ETPA’s website