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ETPA Annual Volume 20 - Beyond Death

Motto: We are all immortal but we must die first. Mircea Eliade In the middle of a golden and mild October, Madrid opened its doors and heart to become the hospitable host of a new scientific event. It is the Annual Conference of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA). The hosts of this meeting were a beautiful couple in every way, who made an impeccable organization. Namely, Miguel Morate Sandin and Juliana Padilla Miramontes, active members in Inkarri, ETPA friend and member association, initiated and led by Juan Ruis Naupari. The theme proposed for debate, Beyond Death, while deeply and gravely resonant, is cardinal to the human condition. Not by chance St. Lemny inspired: "Learning to die is the greatest craft of all crafts." Analyzing death in a transpersonal key, i.e. taking into account the three-level structure of the human being (because we have a body, a psyche and a spirit), the presented works made a journey to the realm of the Great Beyond, to domesticate our ancestral fear in front of this limiting experience , inevitable and profoundly metamorphosing. It is certain that, at the end of this authentic scientific feast, we are certain that we have achieved another step in unraveling the mysteries of death in order to practice the "art of dying" (ars moriendi). The present volume brings together a good part of the communications presented last year in Madrid, but in addition it also presents some papers which, although they address other topics, are subsumed in the transpersonal domain. The authors of this volume live with the hope that every pause in the proximity of death offers, in fact, a wonderful opportunity to cherish the chance and the light of being. The coordinators Anca Munteanu, Iuliana Costea, Camelia Hanoș

ETPA Annual Volume 20 - Beyond Death
10 hours
An authentic expansion of the habitual state of consciousness leads us to fully live the present, the present experience. From this perspective, it...
3 Lectures
10 hours
"... in that sleep of death what dreams may come?" Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1 As C. G. Jung states in Memories, Dreams, Reflections (20...
5 Lectures
10 hours
ETPA Annual Volume 20 - Beyond Death
10 hours
Mystic death or "mors mystica" is a term used by researchers in the field of comparative religion to denote a certain type of experience, character...
6 Lectures
10 hours