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Following a well-established tradition, the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) even this year is organising its annual conference, with the title: Transpersonal Psychology, an avant-garde science.

The event will take place in Galati (Romania), on October, 5th and 6th, at Danubius University. As usual, we hope that this new edition will offer to professionals and to supporters, who loyally and passionately follow transpersonal psychology, the opportunity for an open and fruitful dialogue, in the belief that only by bringing the human being closer to a healthy and mature spirituality a true redemption of humanity will be accomplished.

Call for Papers (before July, 15th):
In order to submit an application for giving a lecture or a workshop, a request by e- mail to the Organising Committee, indicating the title of the lecture and / or the workshop, an abstract of 200 words and a short CV of 200 words. *The ticket is not due to those who will be accepted to give a lecture or a workshop.

All sessions (lectures and workshops) will be translated into english.

Participation Ticket (before July, 15th):
50 Euros – ordinary share
20 Euros for students
The ticket includes: participation in the sessions and only one workshops, the 2 coffee breaks between the morning sessions; the folder and the information material.
For registrations after July 15, the ticket for the respective share must be increased by 20 euros.

In order to proceed with registration, it is mandatory:
1) to make the payment by bank transfer to the following bank account details:
Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Str. Paris, nr. 2A, Parter, Zona B
IBAN: RO31 RZBR 0000 0600 1482 3569; BIC Code: RZBRROBU (reason “Alimentare cont”);
2) to send an email to the Organising Committee, indicating the personal data (Surname, Name, Full Address, Tax Code / VAT Number) and attaching the bank transfer receipt.

Organising Committee
E-mail: ionel.mohirta@univ-danubius.ro; etpa2018@gmail.com