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Psih. Jure Yoram Biechonski

Jure Biechoski

Educational Strategy Advisor

Jure Biechonski is a distinguished psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, and trainer, originally from Poland. Currently residing in Estonia, Dr. Biechonski is the founder and president of the School of Hypnotherapy and Analytical and Cognitive Psychotherapy and the Estonian Transpersonal Association and activates also as a vice-president of EUROTAS.

Dr. Biechonski is a leading trainer at the School of Transpersonal Psychotherapies in Romania, accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists. Under the auspices of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association, he serves as Educational Strategy Consultant, contributing significantly to the advancement of transpersonal psychology across Europe.

With a commitment to educational outreach, Jure Biechonski conducts 3 to 4 workshops annually and hosts a summer school in July, accessible to both psychotherapy professionals and the general public. His dedication extends to organizing regular courses in 6 different countries and conducting workshops, lectures, and courses in over 30 countries worldwide.

Jure has nearly 30 years of practical experience as a psychotherapist and 9 years of advanced study in hypnotherapy and NLP. His therapeutic methods include Analytical Hypnotherapy, Jungian Therapy, Symbolism, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Holotropic and Transpersonal Breathing, Gestalt Therapy, and Relaxation Techniques.

His professional research focuses on the integration of bodywork, somatic psychology, psycho-neuro-immunology, and the effect of altered states of consciousness in the therapeutic process.