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Dr. Regina Hess

Insights with ETPA Vice-President - Dr. Regina U. Hess, Ph.D., Netherlands/Portugal

“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.”
—Lao Tsu

Dr. Regina U. Hess, Ph.D. (Netherlands/Portugal), is a clinical psychologist from Germany, holding a joint Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology (USA/UK). She is the visionary founder and director of Birthing an Ancient Future – Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council, an initiative that bridges ancient wisdom traditions with modern psychedelic science. Through this global platform, she offers events, retreats, and educational programs under the banner ‘Stewards of a New Earth.’

Dr. Regina Hess serves as a faculty member at international universities, including the Alef Trust in the UK, and is actively involved in various transpersonal educational institutes. As an independent researcher, she contributes significantly to the field. Her leadership roles include serving on the Board of Directors for the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network and the International Transpersonal Association, and chairing the EUROTAS Department of Transpersonal Research. She is also the Vice-President of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA).

A Journey Rooted in Deep Tradition and Experience

Dr. Regina Hess’s upbringing in South Germany, a region steeped in the legacy of war, has profoundly shaped her path. With parents and grandparents who lived through the World Wars, she has an acute awareness of transgenerational trauma and the necessity of healing on an individual, collective, and planetary level.

My parents were teenagers in the Second World War, and my grandparents were teenagers in the First World War in Germany.

Her journey as a trauma expert is deeply enriched by her ability to draw on a diverse range of transcultural frameworks.

Through years of dedicated study and hands-on experience, she has cultivated an approach that goes beyond traditional methods, tapping into the wisdom and healing practices of various cultures from around the world. This multicultural perspective allows her to recognize and address the unique influences that different cultural backgrounds have on an individual’s experience of trauma.

By integrating these transcultural insights into her therapeutic practice, she creates a holistic and inclusive environment that honors the complexities of each client’s identity and history. Her approach is not just about treating symptoms but about facilitating profound, lasting transformation. She understands that trauma is not a one-dimensional experience, and thus requires a multi-faceted approach that respects the diverse ways people process and overcome their challenges.

Through this transcultural lens, she is able to guide her clients on a journey of deep healing, helping them to unlock new levels of understanding, resilience, and personal growth. Her work stands as a testament to the power of embracing a global perspective in the pursuit of true and enduring transformation.

As a part of my incarnation, I understand the individual, collective, and planetary trauma healing and transcendence. I became a trauma expert working on all these levels in a transgenerational and transcultural framework for healing and transformation.

From a young age, she was immersed in mystical experiences that profoundly shaped her understanding of the world. These early encounters with the mysterious and the sacred guided her toward a deep and abiding interest in spirituality, world religions, and shamanic traditions. As she grew, her natural curiosity led her to explore the many ways that different cultures and belief systems engage with the spiritual realm. This passion for understanding the spiritual dimensions of life became a cornerstone of her personal and professional journey.

Her love of travel has been a constant source of learning and inspiration throughout her life. With each journey, she delved deeper into the rich tapestry of human experience, discovering new traditions, rituals, and philosophies. These travels were not just about visiting new places; they were opportunities to immerse herself in the wisdom of diverse cultures, to learn directly from practitioners and elders, and to expand her understanding of the world’s spiritual heritage. Whether exploring ancient temples, participating in sacred ceremonies, or simply connecting with people from different walks of life, each experience added another layer to her knowledge and shaped her integrative approach to healing.

This lifelong journey has allowed her to weave together a vast array of spiritual practices and cultural insights into her work. Her approach is deeply informed by the mystical experiences of her youth, the spiritual traditions she has studied, and the cultural wisdom she has encountered on her travels. This unique blend of personal experience and scholarly inquiry has enabled her to create a holistic and eclectic practice that honors the interconnectedness of all things. Through this approach, she is able to guide others on their own journeys of spiritual growth and healing, drawing on the richness of the world’s spiritual and cultural traditions to foster deep and lasting transformation.

I spent much time hiking in nature in my childhood, teenage years, and adulthood. I am an ocean lover; I am very connected to the waters. Since my youth, I have been a very creative, evocative person. Pioneering new ways of living is part of my soul’s expression, which is my drive. I have lived in different parts of the world and am a global citizen.

The Evolution of a Healing Career

Regina Hess’s career in therapy is deeply rooted in her specialization in clinical psychology, where she has developed a profound focus on depth psychology and archetypal psychology. These fields allow her to explore the unconscious aspects of the human psyche, delving into the symbolic and mythic dimensions that shape our inner worlds. Additionally, her expertise in psychosomatic medicine highlights her understanding of the intricate connection between mind and body, emphasizing the importance of addressing both in the healing process.

Central to her approach is the integration of body-oriented practices with creative therapy. She recognizes that true healing often requires engaging the body and the creative spirit, allowing individuals to express and process their experiences in ways that transcend traditional talk therapy. This holistic approach empowers her clients to tap into their own innate healing capacities, fostering deeper, more transformative outcomes.

Regina’s academic journey played a crucial role in shaping her unique therapeutic approach. Her pursuit of knowledge led her to earn a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and Phenomenology, a discipline that explores the transcendent aspects of human experience and the nature of consciousness. This advanced study provided her with a robust theoretical foundation, enabling her to merge the principles of transpersonal psychology with her clinical practice. The phenomenological aspect of her work ensures that she remains attuned to the lived experiences of her clients, allowing her to guide them through their healing journeys with empathy and insight.

Through her specialized focus, academic rigor, and commitment to holistic healing, Regina has established a therapeutic practice that honors the complexity of the human experience. Her approach is a testament to the power of integrating psychological depth, somatic awareness, and creative expression in the pursuit of lasting transformation.

I am a bridge person, bridging fields, especially ancient wisdom traditions and modern science. I am a researcher. I have been a therapist for 30+ years. I am interested in bridging practice-theory-research from many different perspectives.

Personal Experiences Shaping Professional Practice (Miraculous Rebirth after 2004 Tsunami)

Regina’s work is profoundly intertwined with her personal journey, making her approach to healing both deeply heartfelt and authentic. Her understanding of collective war trauma and her unwavering commitment to transforming transgenerational trauma are not just professional pursuits—they are missions born from a place of deep empathy and personal experience. She knows the weight of trauma that can echo through generations, and she has dedicated her life to breaking these cycles of pain, offering a path to healing for those who have felt its heavy burden.

One of the most defining moments in Regina’s life was the early death of her mother. This devastating loss marked the beginning of a profound spiritual awakening that would forever change her. It was in the midst of this deep grief that Regina’s spirit found a new depth, a calling that would lead her to dedicate her life to the healing of others. The pain she endured became the fire that ignited her passion for helping others navigate their own journeys of loss and transformation.

My mother died early in my life. The grieving period when I was 14 years old was the first big conscious spiritual awakening. Early on, I knew I was here to support healing and guide spiritual awakening processes.

Her personal experiences bring a rare depth and emotional resonance to her work. She doesn’t just understand trauma on an intellectual level—she has lived it, felt it, and risen through it. This lived experience allows her to connect with her clients in a way that is profoundly compassionate and deeply empathetic. She knows what it’s like to face the darkest moments, and she also knows the strength it takes to rise from them. This personal connection infuses her work with a warmth and authenticity that truly touches the hearts of those she helps.

Through her work, Regina transforms her own healing journey into a powerful source of positive change in the world. She is driven by the belief that even the most painful experiences can be transformed into sources of strength and wisdom. For her, healing is not just a profession—it’s a deeply personal mission, one that is rooted in her own story and fueled by her desire to help others find light in their darkest moments.

One of the most life-altering experiences in Regina Hess’s journey was surviving the devastating Asian Tsunami of 2004 in Thailand, an event that brought her face-to-face with death. This near-death experience left a profound and indelible mark on her soul, shaking her to her core. It was a moment of deep spiritual awakening that transformed her perspective on life forever. Emerging from the depths of that tragedy, Regina felt a renewed and unshakable commitment to humanity’s sacred mission on Earth—to awaken to the unity within our diversity and to co-create a world filled with peace, harmony, and love. This profound event continues to guide her every step, fueling her dedication to fostering a better, more compassionate world.

Two peak experiences on a spectrum: On the one end, the exposure to the death of millions of people there, like a massive battlefield; on the other end, the experience of oneness in the tsunami with everything and the whole universe. It took many years/decades to integrate and is still unfolding as growth and awakening to cosmic consciousness.

Photo credit: AP Photo/DigitalGlobe

The memory of that day lingers in Regina’s heart, a vivid reminder of the fragility of life and the profound resilience of the human spirit. As the waters raged around her, time seemed to stand still, and in those terrifying moments, she felt both the weight of her own mortality and the boundless depth of life’s interconnectedness. Surviving the tsunami was not just a brush with death—it was a rebirth, a sacred call to embrace life with even greater purpose and passion.

In the aftermath, as she sifted through the devastation, Regina found herself irrevocably changed. The experience illuminated a truth that now guides everything she does: that we are all part of a greater whole, bound together by the threads of shared humanity. This realization deepened her commitment to helping others heal, not just as individuals, but as integral parts of a collective journey towards wholeness.

Regina’s work is now infused with the raw, unshakable understanding that life is a gift, and with that gift comes the responsibility to nurture the seeds of peace, love, and unity wherever we can. The tsunami taught her that in the face of unimaginable darkness, the light of human connection and compassion shines brightest. It is this light that she carries forward, illuminating the path for others who seek healing and transformation in their own lives.

Today, I am very grateful for this process. It shapes everything I do in my personal and professional life: Humanity’s Sacred Mission on Earth and in the Universe—awakening to unity in diversity and co-creating peace and harmony, love and beauty, joy on Earth with all beings and all relations and further evolution within the all-encompassing Universe.

Innovative Approaches to Therapy

Dr. Regina Hess became a highly skilled therapist with a deep and diverse expertise in Clinical Psychology, Integrative Body-Oriented Gestaltpsychotherapy, Creative Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Shamanic Practices, and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies. She combines these varied approaches to offer a truly holistic and transformative healing experience. Her therapeutic approach is trauma-informed, emphasizing both empowerment and psychospiritual growth. For her, healing is not just about addressing symptoms; it’s about guiding her clients toward profound and lasting transformation.

What truly distinguishes Regina’s therapy is her ability to integrate multimodal methods across different therapeutic settings—whether she’s working with individuals, couples, or groups. She seamlessly blends her extensive knowledge of therapeutic-shamanic practices with traditional and innovative techniques to create a treatment approach that is both comprehensive and uniquely tailored to each client.

In individual therapy, she combines psychological insight with somatic practices and spiritual exploration, helping clients unlock deeper levels of healing and self-understanding. In couples therapy, she uses these principles to nurture connection and growth, guiding partners to enhance their relationship through deeper communication and shared healing. In group settings, she fosters a sense of community and collective healing, creating a safe and sacred space where participants can support one another on their journeys.

This integrative and holistic approach ensures that her clients receive care that addresses the full spectrum of their being—mind, body, and spirit. By weaving together traditional psychological practices with body-oriented techniques, creative expression, and spiritual wisdom, she empowers her clients to achieve a state of well-being that is both deep and enduring. Her dedication to psychospiritual empowerment and multimodal healing makes her a guiding light for those seeking not just recovery, but true transformation.

Endless Inspiration and Passion

Dr. Regina Hess is a woman of remarkable strength and resilience, continually inspired by her own journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual evolution. Her unwavering commitment to her own path drives her passion for guiding others on their own transformative journeys. She finds deep fulfillment in helping individuals tap into their inner potential and embark on meaningful paths of healing and development.

Equally dedicated to education, she is enthusiastic about teaching at various universities and therapy training programs. She also takes great joy in sharing her knowledge and experience, nurturing the next generation of therapists with a deep appreciation for both the art and science of healing. For her, the dynamic interplay between practical application, theoretical exploration, and research is a constant source of inspiration, fueling her ongoing passion for her work.

This seamless integration of personal growth, professional practice, and academic teaching reflects Dr. Hess’s commitment to lifelong learning and transformation. She remains dedicated to not only her own evolution but also to inspiring and empowering those she mentors, helping them to embrace the full potential of their own journeys.

My motivation is my continuous self-work, self-development, spiritual growth, and guiding such processes for others.

Her integrative approach reflects a deep respect for the interconnectedness of all things. By drawing on such a broad spectrum of disciplines, she creates a therapeutic framework that honors the complexity and richness of the human experience. Whether exploring the depths of Transpersonal Psychology, gaining cultural insights through Anthropology, or harnessing the healing power of Holistic Medicine, her work weaves these elements together to address the mind, body, and spirit in a truly holistic manner.

An interest in Neuroscience allows her to ground the work in the latest scientific understanding of the brain, while a passion for Art, Music, and Dance adds a creative dimension, encouraging self-expression and healing through movement and creativity. The inclusion of Shamanic Traditions reflects a deep connection to ancient wisdom and spiritual practices, while exploration of Quantum Physics provides a fascinating perspective on the fundamental nature of reality and consciousness.

Central to all of these influences is an unwavering commitment to interconnectedness—the belief that every aspect of life is woven together in a delicate balance, and that healing one part of the self can lead to the transformation of the whole. The idea of unity in diversity guides the work, creating a therapeutic environment where each individual’s unique path is honored, and where the collective wisdom of many traditions can come together to foster deep and lasting healing.

At the core of my work is interconnectedness and unity in diversity, where I integrate multidisciplinary perspectives and modalities.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Therapy

Regina has dedicated her career to guiding individuals through some of life’s most challenging obstacles, with a particular focus on helping her patients overcome deep-seated trauma blockages. Her expertise lies in navigating the complex layers of trauma that are often passed down through generations, as well as those rooted in early life experiences. This specialized focus allows her to address the profound and often hidden influences that can shape a person’s emotional and psychological well-being.

“Many cases I encounter are within the realm of transgenerational trauma transformation and guiding spiritual awakening processes. These experiences have had a significant impact on both my professional and personal journey. A significant part of my work involves transgenerational and pre-perinatal analyses, as well as facilitating psychospiritual growth processes,” she explains.

Through this deeply informed and compassionate approach, she creates a safe space for her clients to explore and heal these ingrained issues. Regina’s work is more than just therapy—it’s a journey toward reclaiming wholeness and embracing the full potential of one’s authentic self.

Integrating Personal Interests into Therapeutic Practice

Outside of her professional work, Regina is passionate about traveling and immersing herself in the study of culture, art, spirituality, and psychonautic explorations. She also enjoys art, music, dance, and spending quality time with like-minded friends and colleagues.

“You’ll often find me on the ocean side, wherever I stay,” she says, highlighting her connection to nature.

What sets her work apart is not just her knowledge but her ability to apply it in a way that is both deeply personal and universally relevant. Her methods transcend conventional boundaries, combining psychological insight with spiritual wisdom and creative expression. This blend allows her to guide her clients toward a more expansive understanding of themselves and their potential.

“I speak from a place of lived-through experiences—whether my own, those of my clients, or my students—not just from theory,” she explains.

This connection to real-world experiences is at the heart of her practice. It ensures that the guidance she offers is grounded in reality, resonating with the unique journeys of those she works with.

Her approach is further enriched by her emphasis on the balance of Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, a core principle that informs her work. She creates a space where all aspects of life are acknowledged and integrated, fostering a sense of harmony and unity.

“My approach is dedicated to all relations, from all directions, for the greater good and the benefit of all,” Regina concludes.

Her work is a testament to this dedication, as she continues to help her clients achieve profound healing and transformation through a practice that honors the interconnectedness of all things.

Humanity’s Sacred Mission – A Call to Action

Dr. Regina U. Hess, NL/PT
Visionary Founder/Director, Birthing an Ancient Future

“We are connected at all times and in all spaces. We are one—one earth, one humanity, one family, one source, one multiverse.”

📞 Contact Dr. Regina U. Hess

🌐 Websites and Social Links

Official Websites:

Facebook Profile: Dr. Regina U. Hess

Facebook Community: Join Our Facebook Group

Facebook Page: Join our Facebook Page

📋 Professional Roles

  • Owner/Founder/CEO/Visionary Founder/Director at Birthing an Ancient Future – Drreginauhessinternational
  • Board of Directors Secretary at International Transpersonal Association
    September 2016 – Present·Florida City, Florida
  • Head Organizer/Co-Founder at Transpersonal Research Network
    September 27, 2016 – Present·Milan, Italy
    September 2013 – Present

ℹ️ Basic Info

  • Gender: Female
  • Birth Date: March 19

🗣️ Languages

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

💬 Favorite Quotes

“I live my life in growing orbits which move out over the things of the world. Perhaps I can never achieve the last, but that will be my attempt. I am circling around God, around the ancient tower, and I have been circling for a thousand years, and I still don’t know if I am a falcon, or a storm, or a great song.”

Rainer Maria Rilke, Das Stundenbuch (1899 – 1903)

[The Book of Hours] http://picture-poems.com/rilke/