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Mandatory Information in Accordance with § 5 TMG, Content is Responsible:

European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) – NON PROFIT- Asociația Europeană de Psihologie Transpersonală

Str. Mitropolit Varlaam-I. Fucsik, nr. 3
300233 Timisoara

Telephone: +40 745 578 556
E-Mail: office [at] etpa [dot] eu [dot] com
Web: https://etpa.eu.com/

Managing Director: prof. univ. dr. Munteanu Anca Doina
Fiscal Identification Code (CIF): 30487120

Responsible for Content:

prof. univ. dr. Munteanu Anca Doina

Complaints Procedure via Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers (OS):
Under current law, we are required to alert consumers to the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, which can be used to settle disputes without the need to bring a matter to court. The platform is set up by the European Commission. The European online dispute resolution platform can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/odr

We are not willing and obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

All content (videos, images, texts) is subject to copyright and may only be used with written consent.